Get in touch


Township cemeteries are open daily from Dawn to Dusk.

Cemeteries are owned and operated by Perry Township under the direction of the Ohio Revised Code and Perry Township Board of Trustees.

Burial orders must reach our office not less that 36 hours in advance of the interment. No interment accepted after 3:00 p.m. unless special arrangements are made. This includes Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Any exceptions to these rules, which require overtime for cemetery personnel will result in additional charge(s). 

Cemetery Office hours are:

Monday - Friday

7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Cemetery Office can be reached by phone: (937) 833-5578

and via email at:

All decorations will be removed from the cemeteries on March 1 and October 1

Burial cost for Perry Township Cemeteries Eversole, Pleasant Hill, Pyrmont and Landis


Cemetery Services Information

Footers are installed in May and October. April 1st is the cut off date for Memorial Day and September 1st is the cut off for Labor Day.

Additional charges may occur at the discretion of the Cemetery Sexton up to $200. 

All returned checks will incur a $50 fee.

No burials on Government Holidays or Sundays unless specific arrangements are made with the Perry Township Trustees or Cemetery Department.

Sale of Grave

Sale of Graves (Township residents) $1,000

Sale of Graves (Non-Township Resident) $1,200

Infant $550

(Non-Township Resident is anyone who does not have a legal address located in Perry Township, including incorporated or unincorporated areas at the time of Deed Purchase).

Cremation Costs

Cremation M-F till 2:00PM  - $800

Saturday Cremation till 2:00PM  - $1,000

Additional charge after 2:00PM arrival time any day $250/hour

Burial Costs

Opening/Closing till 2:00PM - $1,000

Saturday till 12:00PM -  $2,000

Additional charge after 2:00PM arrival time any day $250/hour


Federal holidays include New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents Day, Juneteenth, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When a holiday falls on a Saturday it is observed on Friday.

Sunday holiday is observed on Monday. Trustees Approved 1-1-25. Cemeteries not funded by a tax levy.

Footer Costs

Concrete foundation cost - per cubic foot $60. Minimum $300 per cubic foot, based off the actual size of the foundation.

Deed Transfer - $150

Deed Loss Replacement - $100

Return Check Fee - $50

Government Marker Placement - $500


Historical Map of the Township with Cemeteries



    Pleasant Hill, Eversole, Pyrmont and Landis

    Cemetery hours: Dawn until Dusk


    Effective January 20, 1998

    Revised January 24, 2017

    Revised October 22, 2021

    Cemetery office:

    (937) 833-5578

    Hours: Mon.-Fri.

    7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

    3025 Johnsville Brookville Rd

    Brookville, Ohio 45309

    1.  Purchase of lots must be paid by cash or check.  No deed will be issued or grave dug on any lot until payment has been made in full.  A $50.00 fee will be added to any returned check.

    2.  After grave lot are sold, all work will be done by employees of the cemetery under the direction of the Sexton or authorized persons contracted by Perry Township Trustees.

    3. Lot owners shall not make any improvements, erect markers, or structures upon any grave space.  If any marker, structure, improvement, or any inscription is placed upon a lot, which may be offensive or injurious to the appearance of the surrounding lots or graves, the Sexton shall have the right to enter upon said lot and remove such object.

    4.  No enclosures of any kind will be permitted around any grave lot, such as; fencing, hedges or trenches.  Grave lots shall not be raised above the established grade.

    5.  Artificial grave decorations will be permitted.  Grave decorations may be removed at the direction of the Sexton.

    6.     No Plants, Shrubbery or Shepard Hooks

    7.  The Sexton under the Perry Township Board of Trustees has responsibility of cemeteries, and is authorized to enforce the rules, and to supervise all workmen, visitors, and drivers of vehicles.

    8.  To transfer a deed from one owner to another, a letter or request must be sent to the Sexton and/or Perry Township Fiscal Officer at 3025 Johnsville Brookville Rd., Brookville, Ohio 45309, (937)833-3045. Lots cannot be sold for more than the purchased price.  Transfers will be charged an administrative processing fee of $50.00.

    9.  Foundations for headstone and military markers will be installed by the cemetery personnel only, and at the expense of the lot owner. 10.  Burial orders must reach our office not less than 36 hours in advance of the interment.  Special arrangements can be made for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.  Any exceptions to these rules, which require over-time for cemetery personnel will result in an additional charge. (See Cemetery Price Sheet).

    11.  No interment will be permitted in any lot or grave unless a deed from the lot owner showing the exact location of the gravesite, and a proper burial permit or certification is furnished.

    12.  No exhumations shall be made except by cemetery employee and only with the consent of the Perry Township Trustees and written request of the lot owner and accompanied by a permit from Montgomery County Board of Health.  The cemetery will exercise all reasonable precautions during an exhumation and will be under no liability for damage to any casket or vault during the exhumation.

    13.  Only one interment per grave; except in a case of a parent with an infant, two (2) children in one casket, or one vault and cremation, or four (4) cremations per grave.

    14.  No interment will be permitted without the use of a vault that meets standard requirements.

    15.  No persons shall be allowed to ride or drive on any part of the grounds, except on the driveways, (all vehicles must be kept on driveway).

    16.  No loud noises or disorderly conduct shall be permitted at any time.  All persons visiting the cemetery shall respect the cemetery rules and regulations.

    It is the goal of the Township Trustees to provide the most considerate and beneficial service to all those who have lost loved one.  We strive to keep the appearance of all cemeteries attractive, neat, and clean.

    Perry Township Trustees will not be responsible for any accidents, injuries, or damages.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Cemeteries are owned and operated by Perry Township under the direction of the Ohio Revised Code and Perry Township Board of Trustees.

Pleasant Hill Cemetery

Click Grid Above to View Details

Pyrmont Cemetery

Click Grid Above to View Details

Eversole Cemetery

Click Grid Above to View Details

Landis Cemetery


Historical Map of the Township with Cemeteries

Arnold Cemetery

Bethel Cemetery

Clemmer Cemetery

Erbaugh Cemetery

Hansbarger Cemetery

McNelly Cemetery

Rhoades (Hook) Cemetery

Providence Cemetery

Shank Cemetery

Swank Cemetery

Pfoutz Cemetery

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